Key Stage 3
Physical Education students at Key Stage 3 follow a varied and engaging curriculum in Year 7 and 8. Both boys and girls have 4 lessons of core PE over a two-week timetable. Students are encouraged to attend the extra-curricular clubs to enhance their progress
Years 7, 8 and 9
Football, Rugby, Hockey, Netball, Basketball, Trampolining, Dance, Problem solving skills, Fitness, Cross country, Badminton, Invasion games, O.A.A, Athletics, Tennis, Cricket and Rounders.
Throughout Key Stage 3 there is a large emphasis on developing core skills and an understanding of a healthy active lifestyle. Students will also experience inter-form competitions in some of the team games in Years 7 and 8.
In Year 9 students can opt to take on a ‘Foundation course’ in PE or Dance which can lead onto GCSE PE and Dance at Key Stage 4. This will involve both theoretical and practical involvement for pupils.