Within the Sixth Form, we are very lucky to be able to offer a structured programme, which helps students develop personal and professional attributes to progress into further education, training, or employment.
Throughout the year, all Year 12 students are advised on how to write or improve their CV through their Life Lessons course. This begins with a dedicated lecture from a top CV advisory. Finally, each student is offered interview practice, guidance and feedback with the local Rotary Club.
In the summer of Year 12, students organise a one week work experience placement, to build their CVs and develop life skills.
We recognise that there are many routes to a preferred career or destination, therefore being able to offer a range of experiences and guidance is extremely important to us. Each year, each student has the opportunity to attend a regional Careers and Apprenticeships Show, at which over 100 employers are represented and talks are given on employment, apprenticeships, training and university.
As students progress into Year 13, those who plan to progress directly into an apprenticeship, traineeship or employment have dedicated activities and support, in the form of 'Careers Apps' run by Ms Bertie and Dr Toogood offering targeted updates, careers advice and application support.
Throughout the year, national and local school leaver programmes and vacancies are advertised on Teams. At any time, students can arrange a consultation with our independent Careers Advisor Partner 'Form The Future', who advises on university courses, apprenticeships, training and employment.