Sixth Form Expectations

The SWCHS Sixth Form’s expectations of students in terms of behaviour for learning are set out in the ‘Behaviour for Learning Contract’ and the induction booklets that were given to students at Induction and are available on the website. The following procedures will be used in response to breaches of those expectations. Inevitably, each case will need to be considered individually and the responses will vary according to the particular circumstances.

However, a common understanding by staff, students and their parents/carers, of the process and of likely consequences should ensure fair treatment for students and support for staff in their dealings with students who are not meeting our expectations. An important aspect of the procedures is that, in addition to any formal action, they also set out the need to identify and provide appropriate support for students who find themselves in difficulty.

The procedures are both broad and simple, and are primarily designed to support the student with their academic studies.  Serious breaches of behaviour and discipline will be dealt with in consultation with the Sixth Form Collegiate, and may by-pass Student Support procedures.