Equality Objectives 2022-2025

  • To continue our programme of regular staff training to ensure our staff are able to meet our objectives and always promote tolerance and respect for individuals through their work.  
  • To continue to improve our support for SEN students through training and monitoring of provision to assess impact and develop specific, person-centred support.  
  • To continue to ensure our curriculum provision, wider opportunities, assembly programme and community code support tolerance and respect for individuals, enable pupils to appreciate and value difference and diversity, and to develop greater awareness of cultural and religious diversity.  
  • To further extend opportunities for student voice and ensure our student voice activities fully represent the diverse nature of our school community.  
  • To extend the range of support and the educational opportunities that the school offers students with protected characteristics that require support, including transgender and students who identify as non-binary.   
  • To improve support for students’ mental well-being to help students remain in education through a school-wide approach that aims to promote resilience, recovery, ownership and empowerment.  
  • To continue to close gaps in students’ performance through monitoring of performance data and responding and intervening where variations between groups of learners show further progress could be made. 
  • To promote an open dialogue with the school’s wider community and to share and celebrate the activities that students at SWCHS participate in.