Transition Trip

Y12 Transition Trip: Caythorpe Court, Lincolnshire Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th October 2025

We are really excited to offer a Y12 Transition Trip which will give your young person the opportunity to get to know new friends and Sixth Form staff at Caythorpe Court; a PGL venue in the Lincolnshire countryside.

We will leave school at approximately midday on Friday and will return late Sunday afternoon. We have run this trip for the past few years now, and it has been a brilliant opportunity for students to meet new people and have some fun. We strongly encourage all students to attend, and those joining from other schools have found it a great way to connect with their peers.  They can learn more about what to expect by viewing the PGL slide show here, (but reassure your young person, that this isn't a revision trip!)

The costing of the trip will be confirmed once we know the number of students interested, so we are asking parents to express an initial interest in this trip before confirming the exact amount. Based on previous experience, we can estimate that the trip will cost approximately £220-30 per person.  For this amount, students will be taken to Lincolnshire and back by coach, and receive two nights' accommodation with all meals and drinks included and a vast array of outdoor and indoor activity sessions ranging from climbing wall and Jacob’s Ladder, to paddleboarding and kayaking, badminton, campfires and more.