Student Leadership Committee
The Student Leadership Committee (SLC - previously Student Voice) has a long history of successful projects at SWCHS. In recent years we have:
- Campaigned and part funded the ‘pod’ eating areas so that students have more places to eat at lunch.
- Funded an ‘outdoor classroom’ for the ASU so that students have a good place to have lessons when at the ASU.
- Worked closely with the senior team to develop a gender-neutral uniform code and recently introduced shorts to the uniform for the summer months.
As a result of Covid restrictions the committee has been unable to meet but as of January 2022 it has been re-launched. Students went through an application process to represent their form and year group and on 19th January met together for the first time.
The SLC meet once every half-term with Mrs Popple and consist of students from Years 7-10. They are working as leaders of whole school projects and bring lots of ideas to the meetings of things that they are passionate about.
In the last year we have been focussing on the environmental impact of the school and are looking to make the school community more aware of environmental issues. A group of students from within the SLC and across the school are looking at ways to reduce negative impacts on the environment. The Eco group aims to:
- Reduce the use of single use plastics in the school canteen and make sure that when they are used that they are recycled appropriately
- Work closely with Uttlesford District Council to understand more about where out waste goes and then educate the school community about it.
- Increase the number of drinking fountains around school so that students can fill their own water bottles and stop the sale of water bottles at the canteen.
- Design bins to make recycling waste more efficient and easier for all members of the community.
- Increase the biodiversity across our site by planting flowers that Bee species and other pollinators will thrive on.
- Working towards gaining the Eco Schools accreditation as well as supporting the canteen with the Healthy School accreditation.
We are proud of the work of the SLC and value the work they do working with the school community in an inclusive, purposeful and innovative way.
Further information can be found out from Mrs Popple, Student Voice Lead