
Miss R Jermy - English Area Coordinator
Mrs S Fairall - English Curriculum Assistant

English at SWCHS gives students the opportunity to develop in three key areas: reading, writing and speaking and listening. We are passionate about the subject of English and our aim is to make students confident in their approach to the subject.

We aim to engender a love of learning, inspired by a range of writers through whom students learn about themselves, others and the importance of empathising with one another. We aim to support our students to become confident, well informed, thoughtful, resilient and self-motivated people, who are able to make connections across the English curriculum, and the wider school curriculum. ​

We wish to encourage students to become life-long readers, equipped with the skills to read for meaning, critically respond to the use of language, form and structure, and respond to the ideas and issues raised in a text. Simultaneously, we aim to ensure all students are effective, accurate writers who are able to write for different audiences and purposes, crafting their work for effect. Students are also supported in becoming effective verbal communicators, understanding how to discuss and present their ideas with others. ​

We want students to enjoy English and have the opportunity to be creative. By developing a range of new skills at Key Stage 3 we hope they will feel prepared for the rigour of the GCSE course and potential further study of Literature and Language.