Charities Week 2024

Our fantastic Sixth Form Student Committee have been very busy organising exciting events for Charities Week, which is being held on the last three days of this term.

For those of you who are not familiar with Charities Week, this is an annual event where the school community come together to raise funds for student-nominated charities through events that take place during extended break and lunchtimes. Last year these events raised an astonishing £10,368! We are very excited for the school to come together to laugh, feel good and raise money for seven charities nominated by our students:

  • Cancer Research UK


  • British Red Cross

  • Dementia UK

  • MIND

  • War Child

  • Crocus Wellbeing services at SWCHS

Changes to the School Day:
From Monday 16th – Wednesday 18th December, there will be some changes to the timings of the school day to accommodate the Charities Week events. All changes to lesson times will be communicated to your child by their form tutor.

As previously announced, school will finish at 1.15 on Wednesday 18th December. If your child needs to wait for a bus, they should go to Q6 after registration. During breaktime and lunchtime, students will be able to access their normal eating area on these days.

Key Dates and Information:
Monday 16th December: Christmas Jumper Day (£1 cost) – we strongly encourage students to ‘upcycle’ an existing jumper instead of buying a new one
Tuesday 17th December: Lower School Non-Uniform Day (£1 cost), Sixth Form in old school uniform (£1 cost), Staff wear Fancy Dress!
Wednesday 18th December (school ends at 1.15): Students must wear full school uniform