SIXTH FORM Induction

SWCHS Sixth Form Induction - Monday 1st to Wednesday 3rd July 2024.  

We are looking forward to meeting you for our SWCHS Sixth Form Induction next week. 

On Monday, please arrive at our main reception by 8.30am, to enter Saffron Hall for our Welcome Briefing, where you will be placed within your tutor groups and receive your timetables for the three-day Induction programme. 

Each student will receive two lessons for each of their chosen subjects and summer homework. There will also be opportunities to ‘try out’ other subject classes and our Induction Team will be on hand to guide you throughout the three days, so please don’t worry if you think you might like to change a subject or try something new.  

Students will need to bring ‘usual’ school equipment as they will be expected to engage fully in lessons, this includes basic stationery and an A4 pad of paper to make notes. Students will need to dress appropriately – please be mindful that these will be busy days and therefore students will need to wear comfortable clothing, casual wear (jeans, joggers, trainers etc.) will be fine.  

You will have received your assigned tutor group in our previous communication. However, if you need to confirm this or if you have any other questions, please contact Lauren Edwards at  

On Monday, we would like to invite students to arrive at our main reception from 8.20am, where they will be placed in mixed tutor groups and will receive their timetables for the three-day Induction programme.  

We hope that our Induction will enable our prospective students to learn more about the SWCHS Sixth Form ethos and what life will look like as a Sixth Form student; including the support that is on offer for careers, university and apprenticeships. This is an amazing opportunity to meet other students in the prospective Year 12 cohort and take part in some fun team-building activities.  

Parents’ Induction Information Evening 

On Tuesday 2nd July at 7:00pm, we hope that you can join us for our Parent/Carers’ Induction Information Evening. The evening will provide you with information on what we offer as a Sixth Form and give you the opportunity to meet with me, our Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Kennedy, and key members of our Sixth Form team.  

  Please be aware that this event is for parent/carers ONLY and students do not need to attend.   

 We cannot wait to meet you at Induction and look forward to seeing you at the Induction information evening. 

Induction provides both new and continuing students with an opportunity to try out their subjects to ensure that they have made choices that will allow them every success and happiness during their time with us.  Induction is also a chance for students to form new friendships, adapt to the grown-up relational ethos of our Sixth Form and to experience all that our extra-curricular provision has to offer.