
SWCHS Sixth Form isn’t just about work. Indeed, we actively encourage students to take on responsibilities and develop interests outside their academic studies. Regardless of how good or otherwise it looks on a CV or university application, we simply think having something else to focus on every now and again makes anyone a better student!

With that in mind, our Electives programme takes place every Wednesday afternoon between September and april. Students have the afternoon to take on a responsibility within school or pursue an activity of their choice. Responsibilities could involve being a Head Student or a Prefect, and activities could include taking part in sport, be it competitively in our school teams or learning a new sport, joining in our jogging and fitness group, or simply working out in our fitness suite. Alternatively, students may choose to take part in our musical and drama activities. For those on vocational courses, this time can be spent acquiring relevant voluntary work experience or undertaking community work.

One of the benefits of being such a big Sixth Form is that we can offer a very wide range of Electives choices. Students can take charge of any photography and filming we need to do within school: they can oversee all our media relations. Students can act as a counsellor and learning assistant with students in lower years, redecorate the Common Room, create our annual art exhibition or even learn circus skills! Some Electives are staffed, but for others we bring in outside expertise, such as gaining a First Aid qualification with St John’s Ambulance. However, students can also start their own Elective if there is something they are particularly interested in. Groups simply get together to share a common interest, be it in animé or Amnesty International - so the list of what’s on offer changes each term. Students opt to do two Electives each year, in the autumn and spring terms.