A-LEVEL Chemistry


Chemistry is called the 'central science' because it connects the sciences together and is essential for a variety of career paths. There are many jobs involving Chemistry, but even if you are looking in another field, the analytical and problem-solving skills you gain through the study of Chemistry are in high demand. Our course is designed to stretch and challenge all students; valuable transferable practical, analytical, evaluative and communication skills will be developed.

Subject requirements:

Minimum GCSE of 6 in Maths*, GCSE 6 in Chemistry* or 7/7 in Combined Science

*Grade 7 recommended

Teacher contact- Ms C Lucas
Science Area Coordinator - Dr M Gwyer

Course Content

Year 12

Students study the principles of physical, inorganic and organic chemistry and explore these through experimental work. Students study the relationships between atomic structure, chemical reactivity and patterns in the Periodic Table. Students also study the energetics and kinetics that govern chemical reactions. This leads to an introduction to organic chemistry, looking at groups of profitable chemicals, making models and constructing mechanisms. 

Year 13

Students develop the Year 12 concepts further, looking in physical chemistry at thermodynamics, pH and fuel cells. Organic chemistry includes the study of aromatic compounds, proteins and DNA and spectroscopic techniques. Inorganic chemistry looks at transition metals, complex metal ions and anti-cancer drugs.

Practical endorsement component (awarded separately from A-Level):

A minimum of 12 practicals, completed and written up to an appropriate standard.

Assessment Criteria

A-Level: 100% examination. Three 2-hour written exams covering the whole two-year course, including practical skills, containing long, short and multiple choice questions.

Exam Board: AQA A-Level: 7405

Are you interested in:

  • Practical chemistry?
  • Applications of science?
  • Problem solving?
  • Scientific research?
  • Laboratory work?

Leading to a career in:

  • Chemistry and related subjects
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Medicine and related field
  •  Veterinary Studies
  • Biochemistry

This subject goes well with:

  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Mathematics

Click below to learn about the course from Chemistry student, Kate.


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