A-Level Drama and Theatre offers a highly practical and challenging course of study, which fully prepares students for Higher Education. The specification is designed to promote an excellent balance between practical theatre making and the theoretical understanding of drama and theatre. In all performance assessments, students can be assessed on either acting or lighting design.
Subject requirements:
Minimum GCSE of 5 in Drama or English
Teacher to contact - Mrs M McIlwaine
Course Content
Year 12
Component 1: Performance Workshop: Students will study a text set by the exam board, and will then create a piece of theatre, where they reinterpret the original script using the ideas of a theatre practitioner, in order to make it relevant for a contemporary audience. Students will also produce a creative log, which documents the choices made during the rehearsal process. Assessed in the Spring Term.
Component 3: Text in Performance: Practical exploration and research of Component 3 texts in preparation for the exam in Year 13.
Year 13
Component 2: Text in Action: Students create, develop and perform two pieces of theatre based on a given stimulus and produce an evaluation of their work. Assessed in the Spring Term.
Component 3: Text in Performance:
Sections A and B: Two exam questions, based on two texts, pre- and post-1956.
Section C: A series of exam questions based on a specified extract of text. Assessed in the Summer Term.
Assessment Criteria
Component 1: Internally examined; 20% of qualification
Component 2: Externally examined; 40% of qualification
Component 3: 2 hour 30 minutes written exam; 40% of qualification
Exam Board: Eduqas A-Level: A690QS
Are you interested in:
- Performance?
- Working in groups in a creative context?
- Developing strong communication skills?
- Close textual analysis?
- Learning about how plays are structured?
Leading to a career in:
- Performance
- Theatre Production
- Stage Management
- Lighting and Set Design
- Arts Administration
This subject goes well with:
- English Literature
- Film Studies
- Psychology
Click below to learn about the course from Drama student, Patrick.