A-LEVEL Mathematics
Mathematics has developed over time as a means of solving problems and as an academic discipline to be studied for its own sake. Mathematics can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder, when you solve a problem for the first time, discover a more elegant solution, or notice hidden connections. It is important not just to understand how, but also why we spend so much of our time delving into the depths of Mathematics.
Subject requirements:
Minimum GCSE of 7 in Maths
Teacher to contact - Mr N Chamberlain
Course Content
Year 12
The course consists of a mixture of Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The Pure units are made up of
Algebra, Sequences and Series, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry and Exponentials and Logarithms. The applied units include new statistical techniques and modelling of physical systems.
Year 13
In Year 13, we explore some of the Pure topics of Year 12 in greater depth. We start to investigate the fundamental rules of Calculus, such as the Chain Rule and Product Rule. Also, new topics such as Vectors and Numerical Methods are introduced. Students spend time developing more sophisticated techniques in Applied Statistics and Mechanics. We complicate our methods for our applied areas, to make them more representative of the real-life situations we are trying to model. This is a big step up from Year 12, but one which our students thoroughly enjoy.
Assessment Criteria
All content is assessed at the end of Year 13 in three written examinations.
Exam Board: MEI B
(Examined through OCR)
Are you interested in:
- The language of the universe?
- How real-life situations are modelled with Mathematics?
- How decisions are made based on statistics?
- Computer programming?
- Mathematics for its own sake?
Leading to a career in:
- Finance and Economics
- Computing
- Medicine
- Architecture
- Statistical Research
This subject goes well with:
- Physics
- Biology
- Computer Science
Click below to learn about the course from Mathematics student, Anna.