School to home Communication


Most communication from the school will be sent via Parentmail, straight to your email inbox. You don’t have to set this up, you will automatically start receiving parentmails once your child is enrolled at the school. (or the start of the new school year).

Students are known by their legal names on all official documentation and records. Their preferred name (if applicable) may be used by teachers during lessons and on registers..

In the case of emergency communication, parents can expect the following.

  • An urgent phone call if the incident involves their child in particular.
  • In case of an emergency school closure during the day, an email and a note on the school website.
  • In case of an emergency school closure before the start of the school day, messages will go out to parents via email, on the school website ( and on the LA website (

If you wish to come into school to see the Year Achievement Coordinator for your child or another member of the Year Achievement Team, please either telephone or email the year office to make an appointment. The email addresses are the year office at For example, 

When communicating with the school, we expect everyone to

  • Be calm, friendly and polite in all communications (including in writing, in face-to-face meetings, during parents’ evenings and during phone conversations).
  • Have respect for each other.
  • Set out to build and maintain a positive home/school relationship in the interests of the child.

Your child’s attendance, behaviour and progress is all logged on our Go4Schools website. This electronic system, which is used by many other schools, allows parents to have more immediate and on-going access to progress and attendance information and provides “live” access to students’ achievement. You will receive a weekly summary of your child’s positive or negative behaviour.

How do I get set up on Go4Schools?
You will not receive an email with log in details, instead, from the start of the school year you will be able to create your own account. To do this go to and click on Login and then ‘First Time User?’ Enter the email address you have given SWCHS as your contact email address and click on ‘New password’. A password will immediately be sent to your email address.

Is there a Go4Schools App?
Yes! You can access the Go4School system via their website or via an App.

You can pay for all your child’s school dinners, trips and activities via the WisePay platform. This is a website which links to the cashless catering system at the food tills and allows you to easily manage payments for all your child’s school activities.

How do I get set up on WisePay?
Once your place has been confirmed after GCSE results day you will receive an email from the school with a username and a password. Please note this will be sent to the first named contact only. If you require a second parent to have their own access to your child’s WisePay account, please contact the school who can set this up for you.

Is there a Wisepay App?
Yes – In order to download the App you will need the school’s organisation code 19934885.