Year 7


Mrs B Fox - Year Achievement Coordinator
Miss F Muir - Deputy Year Achievement Coordinator
Mrs K Yarrow - Student Support Officer

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For children starting at secondary school, we appreciate that the prospect can be both daunting and exciting. We hope that our Year 7 students will embrace the demands of Saffron Walden County High School, relishing the new experiences and opportunities, as well as rising to the fresh challenges that this new start brings. It is important that students maintain a positive, mature, and co-operative attitude at all times in lessons and that they also explore the extra-curricular opportunities available. We are confident that all students will set out in Year 7 to achieve their personal best in all aspects of their school experience and enjoy their time with us.

At SWCHS, we believe that, for students to be happy and successful at school, there needs to be a strong partnership between students, parents, and the school. Academic progress will be reported to you via Progress Checks and at Parents’ Evening. There is an expectation that all parents will attend the Parents’ Evening, as this is such an important opportunity for communication between parents/carers and their child’s teachers. At school, all students will be supported by their Form Tutor who they will meet with daily. As Year Achievement Coordinator I will oversee the pastoral care and academic achievement and progress of students across the year group. Year 7 students will also have the support of Mrs Yarrow our Student Support Officer and Miss Muir the Deputy Year Achievement Co-ordinator.

Punctuality and attendance will be closely monitored. Please ensure that students are in school by 8.30am ready to start to period 1 at 8.40am. We appreciate that absence is at times unavoidable due to illness, but request that parents ensure that it is kept to the absolute minimum and always phone into school as early as possible to explain any absences. If attendance dips below 95% or if students are frequently late to lessons parents will be contacted and sanctions will be applied if necessary.

Initially, students will be taught in form groups for most subjects. This allows students to familiarise themselves with the school and get to meet new friends. To help with organisation, each student will be issued with a planner which includes a copy of their timetable. Year 7 students should be spending around 8-10 hours per fortnightly cycle working at home in addition to 15 minutes reading each day. The Learning Centre is open in the mornings from 8.00am and after school each day until 4.30pm (4.00pm on Fridays). This will provide support for students needing research facilities and is well staffed in order to help all students.

The student planner is not only important for organisation but also an important tool for home/school communication and should be checked and signed by parents’ each week and Form Tutors each cycle. Students will need to bring their planner into school every day in addition to the books and equipment for that that day. All students are allocated a shared locker space (two to a locker) which they will keep for their time at school. This should be used for the storage of PE kits and any coats. All equipment and items of clothing should be clearly labelled with the child's name. SWCHS takes pride in its school and its uniform, and we ask parents to ensure that their child is wearing the correct school uniform and takes pride in being part of our school community.

We are very much looking forward to working with the year group and establishing close working relationships with both parents and students. We have great expectations for the students joining us in September and we do hope they make the most of the wonderful opportunities that SWCHS can offer them.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Year Office, where we will do our best to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.